Trans health

Evaluation and follow-up sessions for transgender people, nonconforming or in transition
We have specialized in the transgender community to offer evaluations and help people through the transition or to clarify questions about their gender identity. We use the standards of care for the health of transsexual, transgender, and gender nonconforming people of the WPATH. Francois, Claudia & Pierre-André are capable of doing an evaluation to identify gender dysphoria in a person and offer the appropriate services according to your needs. They can write letters of recommendation to start hormonal therapy or to get top or bottom surgeries. Sarah can help you through the transition or if you are questioning and ambivalent about your gender identity as well as offer the letters of recommandation for hormone therapy or to change you name.
We have been developing since the beginning of our university training as a sex therapist psychotherapist an interest for this population. We can, therefore, write letters of recommendation and offer support, if needed, to obtain the hormones or genital surgeries for the transition.
- Our services are also available via webcam if you live too far away from our office in Montreal.
Cost and length of a therapy session
Sessions last for 50 minutes and cost 115$ per session.
Generally, 1 or 2 sessions are sufficient to obtain the letter of recommendation for hormone therapy.
Only one letter is required to obtain breast reduction for Female to Male transitions.
It is necessary to have 1 or 2 sessions for the second letter of recommendation concerning the genital surgeries. You will be required to obtain a second letter from another health care professional to obtain genital surgeries. Our clinic can offer you both letters with our multiple therapists.
Receipt for services of psychotherapy, as a sex therapist psychotherapist are available upon request to claim the costs to insurance companies and to deduct from income taxes as a medical expense.
Am just questioning myself, but I am not sure I want to transition?
If you aren’t ready to begin a transition or you are uncertain. Sarah and Pierre-André who are sexologists can offer you counselling on these questions and choices. She can guide you through how and when to divulge your gender identity to friends and family and prepare yourself for the obstacles of transitioning. She also offers sessions for people who are currently transitioning and seek help during this period that can be difficult for some people.