Purchase Webseries of Sexual & Erotic Education

Video Capsules On Sexuality

This webseries, offered by a sexologist and psychotherapist will be educational and reflective. It will offer information and activities to explore alone or with a partner. It will also allow the viewers to obtain a more healthy and satisfying sexual and romantic life. The videos will put to the test your perceptions and beliefs about sex. Ultimately, the webseries aims to offer people more possibilities in their sex lives and to become more mature as a person and a partner. Purchasing procedure of a webseries!

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Webserie 01: Seduction

(ONLY 10$)

These 3 videos on seduction will capture the importance of body language to increases your flirting potential. They will establish the differences between affectionate and sexual seduction, which is important to distinguish depending on the need you want to be fulfilled. Furthermore, reflections on masculinity & femininity will help you understand the essence of flirting.

1) Seduction & Body Language
2) Emotional & Sexual Seduction
3) Masculinity & Femininity: Ingredients to Flirting

Webserie 02: Sexual Performance vs presence

(ONLY 10$)

This series of 3 videos will take a look at your inner thoughts and relationship dynamics during sex. Often, our insecurities and need to please others reduces our sexual satisfaction and pleasure. Suggestions to be more present during a sexual relationship and the advantages of it will be discussed in the videos.

1) Sexual Performance & Sexual Presence
2) Pornography & Erotism
3) Sexual Presence Anxiety


Webserie 03: Maintaining Sexual Desire in Your Couple (Part 1)

(ONLY 10$)

Have you ever asked yourself if it was normal to lose your sexual desire towards your partner after a certain time? Could you believe that it is even desirable for your relationships? Learn in this webseries how to get past this obstacle that can be a very delicate situation for many couples.

1) Stages of Sexual Desire in Longterm Relationships
2) Low Sexual Desire: Normal & Desirable!
3) Importance of True Sexual Intimacy in Your Relationship

Webserie 04: Maintaining Sexual Desire: The next step in your relationship (Part 2)

(ONLY 10$)

In every couple, there are hidden and subtle dynamics that can affect negatively your sexual desire and your sexual fulfillment. We often pretend that they are not there because they are quite difficult to handle at times. Although, avoiding this reality will only aggravate the situation and decrease your satisfaction of your relationship.

1) It’s About Integrity
2) Hard Decisions
3) A Hard Reality to Swallow: Love & Hate in Your Relationship

Webserie 05: Maintaining Sexual Desire: Managing the Difference (Part 3)

(ONLY 10$)

There will always be a partner who has more sexual desire than the other. The way you will manage that difference will have tremendous impact on each partner’s desire and the pleasure you will get out of sex. Changing our relationship patterns is a hard thing to do. Nevertheless, the effort that is necessary to change can bring us great joy and closeness with our partner.

1) Low Desire Partner & High Desire Partner Relationship Dynamics
2) Different Types of Relationship Patterns
3) Do You Really Want Your Couple’s Dynamic to Change?



Purchasing procedure to access videos

1) Buy the webseries of your choice via Paypal

2) Create a Google account to access the videos via Youtube with your email address: Create account
3) Send an email to sexologue.f.renaud@gmail.com with the email address you used to create the Google account.
4) Your email will be added to the list of the webserie(s) you have bought in the next 24 hours following the reception of your email.


5) You will receive an email sending you the links to the purchased webserie(s)