We can currently offer sex-counselling services at the clinic.
Sex therapist psychotherapist Montreal
Frank Renaud – Founder & Supervisor
I have specialized in couples therapy to help people in their relationships and sex lives. I also offer individual therapy for sexual, emotional and relationship issues. You can also consult my blog and webseries on various topics on sexuality and relationships. I became a clinical director and supervisor in 2017.
I graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree from the University of Québec in Montreal (UQAM). I have followed various workshops related to sexology and I am a member of the “Ordre professional of sex therapist of Québec” (OPSQ) and the “Association of sex therapist of Québec” (ASQ). I have a psychotherapist permit given by the “Ordre des Psychologues du Québec”(OPQ) and a certification to evaluate sexual difficulties emitted by the OPSQ.


Sextherapist & psychotherapist

Cost: between 115$-130$
Per session
Duration: 50 minutes
Sex therapy, couples therapy & counseling
Counseling with a sexologist
Couples Therapy Montreal
Individual Sex Therapy
Webcam counsultations
Trans health
ICI Radio-Canada
Self-partnership & nommer ses insatisfactions sexuelles à son/sa partenaire
Plaisir féminin: un portrait incomplet
Parler de ses insatisfactions sexuelles
Doit-on parler de nos fantasmes?
La satisfaction sexuelle passe par le sentiment d’incompétence sexuelle!
Connexion sexuelle: le remède à la performance sexuelle
Dis-moi comment tu as été aimé et je te dirai comment tu fais l’amour!
Problème de communication, un faux problème dans les couples
Comment bien gérer un conflit de couple
Je suis plus mature de mon partenaire
Différences culturelles et sexualité dans le couple
Tabou en bureau d’un sexologue
L’orgasme: Est-ce vraiment si utile pour la satisfaction
Polyamoureux-phobie: prochain enjeu social
Infidélité en thérapie de couple
Entretenir ma vitalité d’aidant